Organizations adopt digital technologies to improve performance and shareholder value by reducing cost, managing risk, fulfilling carbon/ sustainability and Regulatory obligations. Undoubtedly over the next decade, Dynamic Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning & Analytics will become pre-eminent for competitive advantage.
However, the news is beset with stories of failed projects and massive costs with little return. Inevitably clients ask ‘why did it fail? – we employ smart people – what went wrong?’
Our approach is to help organizations develop and mature their teams such that their digital project becomes a living part of the organisation processes, not merely a side show whilst the rest of the business manages every day challenges.
Whilst technology is important, our approach is to first challenge objectives and understand those factors affecting the business and thereby the data inputs to the Artificial Intelligence – only then can the optimum technology be selected.
We are able to successfully deliver this service as unlike traditional consultancies our practices cross the boundaries of software, modelling, finance and business transformation.
……and we’ve been there and done it!
Working with and strengthening your existing technical teams to deliver on the promise of Dynamic Digital Twins & AI/ML;
Supporting your organisations performance management process to achieve success;
Working with your teams to translate technical outputs into useable business information;
Application of Digital Twins to deliver outsourcing efficiencies;
Tridyn was born from the experiences of its founders. Each brings a unique understanding of how to apply technology in a business context to achieve success.
The founders have built successful businesses, negotiated multi-billion pound investment plans, delivered the operational performance and achieved Millions in incentive payments within FTSE 100, private equity and large Governmental organisations.
Our team comprises of technologists; corporate and cost accountants; economic Regulators and operational specialists.
The Founding partners built and delivered Dynamic Digital Twins & AI/ML software to utilities over a 20 year period when Analytics was an emerging discipline.
Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and Analytics technologies are not off the shelf or pre-packaged solutions. Their very definition is unclear - ranging from 3D building visualisation through to complex simulation and to dashboards. Providing clarity is part of our mission.