It's not often that a single course of action is clear when dealing with complex systems. So what do we do when faced with multiple options, or how do we decide what option is best at this time. There may even be non-obvious options that would result in a better outcome... Plausible Options is our approach to exposing and exploring the different choices that could be taken so that you can understand and choose the 'least worst'.
Organisations employ strong governance when making big decisions to ensure their outcomes meet the objectives. However, no plan survives contact with the enemy! How many organisations understand the impact of a strategy not succeeding? Or what are the other likely or plausible outcomes from the strategy? Are there other adjacent strategies that have similar returns at lesser risk or cost?
AI/ML, Dynamic Digital Twins and Simulation technology enable an organizations to explore the 'what-if' scenarios and understand the sensitivities and uncertainties of their strategy. Better armed with this information boards can make the least worst decisions and be prepared to change direction in-flight to the next best option.